10 interesting baby signals you should know!
What does it actually mean when babies have hiccups or suddenly turn their heads away? And why do the little ones so often grab each other's ears and suck their hands?
4. When the button screams
Many new parents intuitively know why the baby is crying. The causes of crying can be of different nature: If the child rolls its back, it is usually a Signal of heartburn, abdominal pain or intestinal problems. If the little one whines a lot when crying, this is an additional sign that something is wrong in the stomach. Furthermore, screaming can also indicate hunger. If the last meal more than two and a half hours ago, it may be time to breastfeed again. In addition, screaming can also indicate a full diaper or frustration.
5. When the baby touches his ears
It may seem strange to you that the little darling touches his ear more often. Similar to sucking on the hand, ear grabbing can be a kind of stress relief be. In the case of sensory overload, the little ones like to touch their hearing organs. However, if fever and pain are added, this can lead to a Otitis portend.
6. When the offspring rubs their eyes
Even the adults still do it: When you are tired, you rub your eyes. Babies often do this together with yawning. This is a clear indication that there is Time to snooze is! With practical sleep aids your little darling will quickly reach the land of dreams.
However, if your offspring is well rested, you should take a look at the Take a closer look at eyes. If they are reddened or watery, this can be a sign of imminent conjunctivitis.
7. When the legs are tightened
Tightening the legs is often not a good sign. It occurs more frequently when the 3-month colic are currently in progress or annoying flatulence occurs. Together with the crying and whining, the tightening of the legs is a very accurate indication that your baby has pain in the abdominal area. So if the cause of the symptoms has not yet been determined, you should a doctor may be consulted.
8. When the baby has hiccups
Yikes! The hiccups in the baby are a very exciting affair! Your offspring will have hiccups more often in the first few months of life, after all, this is important for the formation of the muscles of the diaphragm and trachea. In addition, hiccups can be a sign that your child is too cold. This can occur especially in the event of a sudden change in temperature.
9. When the child turns away
Sometimes babies just turn away all of a sudden, even though mom or dad have just added to the amusement of the button. That Turning away the head Of course, it is not meant to be bad. Rather, the baby takes the time to to process new stimuli firstbefore it starts attentively again.
10. When the baby closes his hand tightly into a fist
The baby's little hands suddenly form a firm fist. What could that mean? Most babies close their hands tightly, when they are afraid. Thus, the two small fists are intended for defense. So if your baby suddenly closes his hands or his hand into a fist, you should calm the child or the cause of the child's fear quickly emerges from the Room banish.
Do you know how to interpret your baby's signals correctly?
In this article, we'll introduce you to 10 interesting baby signals and also explain what your little darling wants to say with them!
1. When your baby sucks on his hand
If your offspring sucks on your hand with relish, this does not have to be a direct sign of hunger. If the child also smacks and turns its head back and forth, you can actually assume that it is a chicken. Otherwise, the little ones like to put their hands in their mouths to calm down. Many babies suck themselves to sleep in this way, while some offspring also suck their hand when they are a bit overwhelmed and need to reduce stress. In any case, this sucking - without the side effects of hunger - is a sign that your child needs a break!
2. When your baby smiles
How beautiful a baby's smile is! Especially during sleep, the so-called angel smile often comes over the lips of the little ones. You can breathe a sigh of relief when your child starts to grin, because the baby will be very well! There is no "social smile" until the second month of life. This means that a smile in the first few months does not always have to be a reaction to something funny or beautiful, but can also just come over baby's lips.
3. When your offspring suddenly kicks
If the baby makes the bed unsafe and kicks back and forth, this can have various reasons. If the kicking is accompanied by a smile and the rocking of the arms, your offspring only enjoys the zest for life and is in a good mood. If your baby kicks and is very cranky, this can indicate flatulence or abdominal discomfort. Or maybe the button just wants to be busy? If there are no side effects besides kicking, the baby can kick for attention or simply pass the time a little.
4. When the button screams
Many new parents intuitively know why the baby is crying. The causes of crying can be of different nature: If the child rolls its back, it is usually a Signal of heartburn, abdominal pain or intestinal problems. If the little one whines a lot when crying, this is an additional sign that something is wrong in the stomach. Furthermore, screaming can also indicate hunger. If the last meal more than two and a half hours ago, it may be time to breastfeed again. In addition, screaming can also indicate a full diaper or frustration.
5. When the baby touches his ears
It may seem strange to you that the little darling touches his ear more often. Similar to sucking on the hand, ear grabbing can be a kind of stress relief be. In the case of sensory overload, the little ones like to touch their hearing organs. However, if fever and pain are added, this can lead to a Otitis portend.
6. When the offspring rubs their eyes
Even the adults still do it: When you are tired, you rub your eyes. Babies often do this together with yawning. This is a clear indication that there is Time to snooze is! With practical sleep aids your little darling will quickly reach the land of dreams.
However, if your offspring is well rested, you should take a look at the Take a closer look at eyes. If they are reddened or watery, this can be a sign of imminent conjunctivitis.
7. When the legs are tightened
Tightening the legs is often not a good sign. It occurs more frequently when the 3-month colic are currently in progress or annoying flatulence occurs. Together with the crying and whining, the tightening of the legs is a very accurate indication that your baby has pain in the abdominal area. So if the cause of the symptoms has not yet been determined, you should a doctor may be consulted.
8. When the baby has hiccups
Yikes! The hiccups in the baby are a very exciting affair! Your offspring will have hiccups more often in the first few months of life, after all, this is important for the formation of the muscles of the diaphragm and trachea. In addition, hiccups can be a sign that your child is too cold. This can occur especially in the event of a sudden change in temperature.
9. When the child turns away
Sometimes babies just turn away all of a sudden, even though mom or dad have just added to the amusement of the button. That Turning away the head Of course, it is not meant to be bad. Rather, the baby takes the time to to process new stimuli firstbefore it starts attentively again.
10. When the baby closes his hand tightly into a fist
The baby's little hands suddenly form a firm fist. What could that mean? Most babies close their hands tightly, when they are afraid. Thus, the two small fists are intended for defense. So if your baby suddenly closes his hands or his hand into a fist, you should calm the child or the cause of the child's fear quickly emerges from the Room banish.